Un bon vieux disque du talentueux Harry Breuer (immortalisé sur la couverture du premier volume de "Incredibly Strange Music"), dont les mailloches magiques sautillent sur marimba, vibraphone, xylophone ou glockenspiel. Mallet Magic, son premier opus, est composé d'interprétations originales de morceaux classiques (Bumble Bee Bolero) ou exotiques (Chinese doll). L'approche de Harry Breuer a ceci de caractéristique qu'elle nous fait entendre ces métallophones ensemble dans d'improbables quartets, car ce type de percussion n'apparaît habituellement qu'en solo sur le fond orchestral. Il y a donc là de quoi ravir les véritables amateurs de la space age pop première époque, celle des Marty Gold, Enoch Light, Henri René, où les albums sont conçus comme de véritables démonstrations de stéréophonie.
Harry Breuer was actually one of the few musicians of the space-age bachelor pad music era to treat percussion music as something more than a gimmick. Breuer switched from violin to xylophone while in high school and became a virtuoso on the instrument at a time when it was still quite a novelty item. Breuer played with the very first musical stars of radio, the Cliquot Club Eskimos, as well as other society and vaudeville bands. He was a featured soloist on the xylophone in Roxy's Gang, the stage band of the Roxy Theater in New York City and continued to get the spotlight when he moved to the Radio City Music Hall orchestra. He worked for Warner Brothers and Fox movie studios in the late 1930s and early 1940s and even appeared in several short subjects and educational films during this time. He then returned to radio as a staff musician with NBC, where he remained until his retirement in the late 1970s.
Source : spaceagepop
En écoute la face 1 Rip • Access
Side 1 Rip access
1 - Mosquitos' Parade March
2 - Flapperette
3 - Bumble Bee Bolero
4 - Chinese Doll
5 - Chiapanecas
6 - Maxixe Mambo