C'est sous cet anagramme que l'on peut écouter une expérimentation parallèle du musicien australien Paul Schütze, explorateur de tribalismes urbains et de jungles futuristes, cadastrant par grandes plages les innombrables fourmillements de la ville. Cette fresque vivante et communicative est une de ses plus belles pièces.
Sans être toujours plus "accessible" que son travail sous son nom, "More Beautiful Human Life !" est en tout cas plus ludique, construit comme une superposition progressive de timbres, de percussions, d'échantillons de gamelans re-traités, de bruits synthétiques qui s’entraînent et s’enrichissent mutuellement, se répondent, dans une sorte d’accrétion cyclique.
Auto Radia ou
Wetzone Rapture forment des boules scintillantes de mille sons, dévalant vers l’inéluctable.
Quelques uns des titres rappellent la spiritualité de
The rapture of Metals. D’autres sont agrémentés de fraîches bulles sonores et de fulgurances ralenties, dans un kaléidoscope d’images tournoyantes, exprimant la densité d’un trafic, les flux de la ville. C’est un film onirique, où la beauté apparente des images masque une angoisse latente, qui donne le vertige ; un peu comme ces rêves dont on sort brusquement, stupéfié, avec l’impression d’avoir fait une chute immense et fatale.
"With More Beautiful Human Life!, Apollo Records releases the first album by UZECT PLAUSH, pseudo of long-time electronic music pioneer PAUL SCHUTZE. Born in Australia but currently living in London, Schütze started in music as an improvising percussionist and synthesist. He studied Indian drumming and was the founder of Melbourne-based seminal eighties improvising group LAUGHING HANDS, with whom he recorded several albums.
After a break in performing during which he worked as a DJ, he was approached to write music for a feature film. Since then he has scored over twenty films, worked as a sound designer, co-curated the multi-media installation Deus Ex Machina and released five solo albums. More Beautiful Human Life! is his sixth release and the first under the banner Uzect Plaush, which designates a new and seperate stream of work.
The strongest influence on Schütze's work is definitely Can, closely followed by Brian Eno, Jon Hassell, Arab an Indian music, Nina Rota and Miles Davis. But good techno or jazz moves him as much as raga or the sound of a helicopter. Driven by rhythm and timbre, his music breathes its own particular internal logic.
Schütze's music is marked by a sense of simultaneous complexity and stasis; it's an infinite snapshot in a wider and undisclosed story. "I don't quite trust music which doesn't hold or compress time for the listener.", he says. "I really hate most 19th century romantic narrative music, the tradition which is still the backbone of virtually all film scores and even pop music over a century later." Painting cinematic images for the mind, Schütze's broad strokes of nimble space tones and arcane percussions constitute something which can best be described as futurist ballet and anti-chamber music - if it can be described at all."